Professor of Photography & Moving Images, MfA
+49 (0) 176 201 99 860
+49 (0) 176 201 99 860
+49 (0) 176 201 99 860
+49 (0) 176 201 99 860
"Karin Jobsts photographs distinguish themselves in a subtle, poetic manner, brought in accordance with a stringent imagery." Wim Wenders
Karin Jobst holds a Master of Fine Arts in Photography from the Academy of Fine Arts, HFBK Hamburg, Germany and a Diploma (FH) in Photography & Media from University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld. She studied with Katharina Bosse, Silke Grossmann and Wim Wenders.
Karin Jobst has taken photographs of a nuclear power station, traveled on a container ship from Hamburg, Germany to New York City, USA and took photographs from one of the largest tunnels built in North America, in Niagara Falls.
Karin Jobst is teaching photography & moving images at Macromedia University of applied Sciences, former known as University for Fine Arts, Design and Music HKDM in Freiburg, Germany since 2013.
She is an appointed Member of the German Photographic Society DGPH and the German Photographic Academy DFA.
( 01 )
atomar ---zone1
Karin Jobst addresses the architecture of a nuclear power
plant in simultaneously messing with the chemical process
of photography. She creates images that are abstract and
personal at the same time.
Since the commissioning of the first nuclear power plant in Germany, the advantages, disadvantages, risks and applicability of nuclear energy have been discussed on multifarious levels, receiving diverse yet constant publicity. The artist Karin Jobst confronts the sociopolitical topic of nuclear energy in her work atomar ––– zone 1. Her photographs show interior and exterior shots of a German nuclear power plant and grant the observer views of rooms, which otherwise remain barricaded. In her work, Jobst assumes the tradition of industrial photography. In the 1920’s, symbols of the modern industrial age were fostered as the new subject matter of fine art photography. Sharp and detailed depictions of the objects were promoted as a suitable and artistic visual aesthetic, demarcating the then prevalent pictorialism, which aspired to endow photographs with painterly properties.
Artitst book; limited edition with 23 handmade C-prints
H2 – Museum for Contemporary Arts Augsburg, Germany
International Photography Award, The core of industry, special mention, Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2008
Plat(t)form Fotomuseum Winterthur Schweiz, 2008
Audi Art Award, nomination 2008
Detroit for John, Marylou and Mr. Duke
In 2010, artist Karin Jobst arrived for the first time in Detroit from her native Germany. She was not awestruck by the city's empty buildings and depopulated streets, but felt compelled to develop a fresh body of work inspired by Detroit's sense of time, place, and history. Using the medium of photography, she continued working in Detroit through 2012. Select photographs from her numerous visits to the Motor City are the subject of "Detroit for John, Mary Lou and Mr. Duke". Progressive in her conception and presentation of the series, Jobst does not create a city history or interpretation with a clear, linear narrative structure or with regard to formal traditions associated with photography. Without beginning, middle, or end, the images build on a continuum of content and visual information that express Detroit's specificity as a contemporary urban environment.
Selected title German Photo Book Award 2013
Book published by Kehrer, Heidelberg, Germany
Book design by Danielle Aubert, Detroit
Exhibitions: Detroit Institute of Arts, DIA, USA 2012/13
„Motor City Muse: Detroit Photographs, Then and Now“ Robert Frank, Henri Cartier Bresson; Dave Jordano „Foto Europa. 1850 to the Present“ Julia Margaret Cameron, Eugène Atget, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank, Christian Boltanski, Gerhard Richter, Wolfgang Tillmans, Bernd und Hilla Becher, ...
Crossing Niagara Falls, CA/USA
The Niagara Tunnel Project was carried out by STRABAG AG with the world's largest tunnel boring machine from 2006 to 2013. It was commissioned by the Ontario Power Generation after more than seven years of construction. The 10 km long water conveyance tunnel, with a diameter of 14.4m near the Niagara Falls, was recognized as a century-building for hydroelectric power generation.
Karin Jobst photographed the 10km long tunnel just before the completion of the tunneling work and prior to the final flooding with water for power generation. She traced the course of the underground tunnel on the Earth's surface, capturing images of the casinos, streets, and hotels of the Niagara Falls town located directly above the tunnel, all the way to the hydroelectric power station in Canada, across the U.S.-Canadian border.
Brooklyn '11
Brooklyn is a borough of New York City, USA located on the western end of Long Island. It is known for its diverse neighborhoods, cultural attractions, and distinctive character. Brooklyn is home to iconic landmarks such as the Brooklyn Bridge, Coney Island, and Prospect Park.
Karin Jobst tried to capture her personal inner perspective of this renowned locations through the lens of her camera.
Transatlantic Seaway Hamburg - NYC 2012
As an artist, grandchild and nice of her grandfather and uncle, who traveled in 1928 and 1954 on a ship to New York City, USA seeking employment, Karin Jobst had this dream since years to follow her relatives on the same way to the United States. It was her goal to take photographs every single hour during day and night on her journey of 11 days from Hamburg via Rotterdam to New York City.
So the Laisz Group in Hamburg/Germany invited her generously in May 2012 to come on board on the containership PORTO, which is a midsize vessel who is able carry around 2800 containers.